Taking things a day at a time

Monday, June 14, 2010

I'm sorry

Dear Blogspot,

I've totally neglected you, for half a month!! I apologize. I've just been so caught up in participating in 30 Days of Creativity. I post what I've created on Tumblr, since that's where their base site is. So I automatically feel compelled to upload videos, pictures, or ramble about things on that blog host.

Don't think that I've forgotten about you, though. That couldn't happen anytime soon. I intend on returning with my themed entries that I have missed very much! Sometimes, I feel silly, because I plan to wait until a specific day so that I can post something, like a text or video. And then when that day comes, I get caught up in other shenanigans, with a mixture of laziness, I admit.

But no more! I will come back, soon, I promise. :)

And hey, at least keep this in mind: I haven't posted anything new on Xanga in TWO months! You mean more to me than that old school blog site. <3

Sincerely apologetic,


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