Being without the internet was pretty annoying, especially because I've been doing 30 Days of Creativity. AND I didn't have it for my birthday weekend. Sucked major balls. But now it's back. Chee-hee!!
I think I've completely abandoned Xanga. Ah well. It's a little sad because I've had one from 7th grade, and there's lots of memories with Xanga. Maybe I'll just keep it, just to have it.
So, my birthday was on Saturday. It was pretty decent. Saw Toy Story 3, which was bomb! Way better than Shrek 4, but there was no competition there. Toy Story 3 did the best at the box office opening weekend out of all the Disney/Pixar movies. :)
My party was fun, too. There were about 15 of us, there so it was a nice group. It was 80's themed and I fucking rocked that so hard. :) Pics are up on Facebook, check 'em out! I'm pimpin. Haha. I was a little annoyed that three people in particular just kinda kept to themselves and didn't talk to anyone else. But, they are them, and that was typical behavior for them. I'm also an asshole, and I'm bitter that some people didn't wish me a happy birthday. People that knew it was my birthday, because I'd invited them to the party, duh. And even Bree didn't text or anything...ah well. What's wrong with me? I dwell on the shitty stuff. Bah.
But yes, the party was fun and I had a good birthday, finally! Most birthday's are a disappointment, but this one was pretty rad.
Oh! So I may not have ever mentioned this, but our old home computer has crashed several times since we first got it when I was in the 7th grade. And once, we had to take it to be fixed, and the guys had to clean it completely. So EVERYTHING was deleted from it. BUT. They copied them all to disks, so we could just copy the disks onto the new hard drive. But that didn't work, so I thought we had lost everything since the new hard drive couldn't read the disks. Well the disks were recovered and now I have all my old files back. I spent 2 hours last night seeing what was still there, and it's a trip seeing all the things I had back then, haha.
Today I have to go through ALLLLL the music I thought I lost. Hundreds of songs that I've probably already redownloaded are back again. Such is my luck. Like when I deleted over 2,000 songs last summer, only to get an external hard drive for my birthday from my friends. -_- It's gonna take me foreverrr to go through all this stuff.
I did however take a peek at some old fanfics last night. And boy, they are shitty! I deleted them, gone from anyone to recover how horrible they were.
Dude, summer is here and it is really hot! I wish I had a car to go to the beach to get dark again. Seriously, it's embarrassing to see my sleeve tan, and my shorts tan. Knees down my legs are dark. From the knee up = white. :/ No bueno.